Thursday, November 03, 2005

What Does God Think of Your Vote?

from The League: Reassembled

Ever wonder what God thinks about our fair state's legislators? Well our buddies at the Christian Coalition of Maryland are presumptuous enough to tell ya. The right-wing political Christian organization recently released its 2005 Legislative Scorecards. The scorecards identify MGA bills of interest to religious conservatives and rate legislators based on their votes.

As a Christian organization, the scorecard focused on two issues that do not appear even once in the New Testament: gays and stem cells. The group opposed bills that would grant equal rights to gays, create stiffer penalties for violent crime, and increase medical research funding. It supported restrictions of free speech and abortion.

So how did our legislators fare? Sen. Nathaniel McFadden, who leads the Baltimore Senate delegation, came in with a 20% rating. Salima Siler Marriott, who heads our city's delegation in the House, was given a 13%. These poor showings must be why God has sent Baltimore a plague of Heroin and STD's.

Andrew "I'll Do Whatever the Pope Commands" Harris came out on top with a 100%.

from The League: Reassembled with revision


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