Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Don't Vote for the Incumbents

The message that comes through the dense text that Cary Lamari (an at-large candidate for the County Council and someone yours truly has barely heard hint of in this busy election season) was handing out at a Metro Station this morning. Although he makes it more complicated, the gist of his hundreds of words is that the quality of life in Montgomery County, as indicated by things like traffic, education, affordable housing, and accountability, is getting worse. And the End Gridlock slate of county councilmembers, including Nancy Floreen, Steve Silverman, Mike Subin, and George Leventhal, is responsible.

Now I'd point you to the candidate's web site so that you can learn more about how Floreen, Silverman, et al have jammed more folks than we can handle into Montgomery County without worrying about silly things like infrastructure or public facilities, but it doesn't seem to work. In the meantime, check out the solution to the problem -- Marc Elrich and Duchy Trachtenberg.

And if you haven't already, take a gander at the funny cartoon about selling out MoCo residents to developers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Ike!

8/16/2006 10:17:00 AM  
Blogger Dan Reed said...

My water's running, my refrigerator is stocked, and I've got a whole seventh-acre to run around on.

I don't think we're Calcutta yet. All this "overdevelopment" talk has got to stop.

8/16/2006 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Lee Fang said...

check out the blog i contribute to, maryland politics and a college democratic perspective

8/17/2006 01:36:00 AM  
Blogger OnBackground said...

Are you driving the same roads I am? Have you seen the crowding and trailers at our schools? Paying any attention to the infrastructure?

Or are you just being facetious?

8/17/2006 02:12:00 PM  
Blogger Cary Lamari said...

The Website is .
It occurs to me, if we are truly tired of over congestion on our roads and in our school, we need to have a comprehensive Growth Management Policy, we need a hierarchy of County policies that work together and we need a strategic plan to successfully promote these policies. The Current Council dismantled our nationally recognized growth policies in 2003.
Granted our former growth policies could have worked better, which would have not led to the election of the End Gridlock Council taking control in 2002, but instead of reviewing them, and making them function better, this council choose to dismantle all growth policies. This Council also modified many of the standards in our Zoning Ordinance Chapter 59. I personally feel we the residents of this County should have had the opportunity to object through a public hearing, but this Council time and again has not allowed the public to have a voice in decision-making. If you have a chance please visit this site, it has a wealth of knowledge concerning the End Gridlock Council and their administration the last 4 years: . I think residents of this County deserve better.
Question to you all, are our roads and intersections less congested today than last year? How about 2 years ago? One County Council person says they are. I think its time for change don’t you?
And one more thing, There is a wealth of Good candidates this year, Please, whomever you feel is the better candidates please show up on September 12 and support them. I truthfully feel its time for change.
Thank You, Cary Lamari

8/26/2006 03:26:00 PM  
Blogger Cary Lamari said...

The Website is .
It occurs to me, if we are truly tired of over congestion on our roads and in our school, we need to have a comprehensive Growth Management Policy, we need a hierarchy of County policies that work together and we need a strategic plan to successfully promote these policies. The Current Council dismantled our nationally recognized growth policies in 2003.
Granted our former growth policies could have worked better, which would have not led to the election of the End Gridlock Council taking control in 2002, but instead of reviewing them, and making them function better, this council choose to dismantle all growth policies. This Council also modified many of the standards in our Zoning Ordinance Chapter 59. I personally feel we the residents of this County should have had the opportunity to object through a public hearing, but this Council time and again has not allowed the public to have a voice in decision-making. If you have a chance please visit this site, it has a wealth of knowledge concerning the End Gridlock Council and their administration the last 4 years: . I think residents of this County deserve better.
Question to you all, are our roads and intersections less congested today than last year? How about 2 years ago? One County Council person says they are. I think its time for change don’t you?
And one more thing, There is a wealth of Good candidates this year, Please, whomever you feel is the better candidates please show up on September 12 and support them. I truthfully feel its time for change.
Thank You, Cary Lamari

8/26/2006 03:27:00 PM  

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